Friday, October 10, 2008

Cool Translink iPhone App

So this has nothing to do with my projects, but I was told about this site which was developed by some people that I went to school with... and this is an incredibly handy application.

For those that use the transit system in British Columbia, this page which is tailored for your iPhone will be a life saver. Numerous times I've arrived at bus stops wondering when the next bus will be, or where the other stops are... this site interfaces into the translink database and gives a nice easy to use interface to all that good information. More features on the way as well!!!

Blog release :


Friday, May 16, 2008

I'm so sick

Those with Rock Band may be sick of this song... but I love it. Again, this video is done with video game machima [mainly WoW, but I think there is some Bioshock in there too], and I think that the editing is crazy well done - professional quality for sure. Ragnaros makes a cameo if you look closely, as does Reliquary of Souls.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Picnik - Online photo editing tool

While doing some research for what I'm doing at work I ended up on Picnik which does online photo editing. It's pretty cool and I'd suggest having a look if you wanted to do some easy, free, photo editing.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Hiphopopotamus vs. Rhymenoceros

Again, I know this is old, but I TOLD YOU that I was just going back and finding all my fav youtubes and such!!! Anyhoot - if you *haven't* seen the Flight of the Conchords before I'd look up some more of their stuff ['Business Time' for starters].

Stop Motion Music

This guy apparently can't actually play the drums or piano, but stop motioned himself [making individual notes] into an entire song. My favorite part is at about 1:30 where he brings in the piano as well as the drums... pretty darn catchy.

Too much cute

I didn't think it was possible, but this kitten may have broken the cute barrier. Here is my kitten moment of zen for this afternoon: